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Following this idea, we decided to create a similar recurring challenge for 3D Environment Artists, and it is the 5th edition! Like last year, we propose two challenges. Both lead to finish an environment or diorama in a month, but they take a different approach which I’ll explain in detail below.
Empire Challenges | Dintober 2023 - Environment-in-a-month challenge
Empire Challenges | Dintober 2023 - Stylized Speed Modeling Challenge
The #dintober-chat will be open so you can post your progress. We mods will check it regularly to give feedback and encourage you along the way !
Good Arting to you ! Channels are open until the 15th of November in case you started late or need a bit more polish time !
**Western Port Town by Hakeem Siddique**
**Witchy Diorama by Melissa Kumpmann**
Witchy Broth by Myriam Dufrier
**Lock//Key by Bartek Malec**
**Courage The cowardly dog Fan art by Nicolás Trujillo Llano**