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The Dintober stylized speed-modeling challenge uses a prompt list (a bit like the original Inktober!). The list contains simple objects to model, which together can become a diorama. The idea is not to have the most polished and detailed model every time, but to stay consistent in the style and focus on the bigger picture.

While the title of the challenge is “stylized”, the style you chose is actually open. We thought of it as stylized as having a full PBR workflow and making specific materials do take time, so using a diffuse only style could gain you some time, but if you are more comfortable doing it in a more realistic style, go for it! The point is to pick a style you feel you could consistently make these models every day. (You can even be creative with it, make it in a Lego style, make it in an extremely low poly style/geometric shapes, have fun!) I have put a little tips and tricks section at the end of the page 😊

<aside> <img src="/icons/promoted_pink.svg" alt="/icons/promoted_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Due to the list being a little too difficult to follow last year, we have reduced the amount of objects to model so you can adapt your time as you please.


Here are prompt lists! (the 2022 lists have been simplified)

List 1 - Pirate expedition (2023)

List 2-Witchy Broth (2022)

List 3 - Tea party (2022)

Tips and tricks

Modifier ideas to make it a simpler challenge

  1. Choose half of the items in the list and make it one mesh every two days
  2. Make it a modelling-only challenge, with solid color materials for color
  3. Make it a sketching or concepting only challenge.

Here is the official background we have used below if you want to use it to present your individual props:


Here’s a visual of last year’s Witchy environment prompt list and how they could be composed together :
