Welcome to the ‘Official DiNusty Empire Weekly Hard Surface Challenges’ page!

This is a weekly challenge largely inspired by the previous hard surface weekly challenges that happened on the long standing Polycount forums. As with there this is a place to push and challenge yourself on hard surface modeling from a creative as well as technical standpoint. In these weekly challenges you will be presented a complex geometric challenge that you and others in the Empire can solve together.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a5ce113b-479c-4e19-ba41-dd2768c04637/Di_4k2.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a5ce113b-479c-4e19-ba41-dd2768c04637/Di_4k2.png" width="40px" /> Hang out with us on The Empire Work-Labs VC. You can find a link to the discord if your new to our community by going to www.dinustyempire.com


<aside> 💡 WEEKLY CHALLENGE TAB below to see what's on the menu! HURT ME PLENTY mode is a mode for those who want a challenge. Not for the weak hearted. COMING SOON! HARD SURFACE RESOURCES to see useful resources related to creating hard surface.





Each week a new challenge will be posted. You can post your work in progress as well as questions and solve the challenge together in #hs-challenge-chat


Post your finished beauty render and a wireframe in #finished-work

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