Anything that is commonly asked about 3d will go here.

Q. How much is Zbrush used in AAA development as a environment artist?

A. Dinusty - In my over 10 years in games maybe 2% of the time. It is rarely used unless your a character artist or the game art style or scene really calls for it.

Q. Do you need to have Substance designer work in your portfolio as a environment artist?

A. Dinusty - You can have Substance Designer and Substance Painter work in your portfolio without having to post separate material ball posts. You can call them out as images in the final posts of scenes and still show competency. Its best to show them separately if you want to be a Material Artist.

Q. Do I need to learn xSoftware?

A. *Dinusty - The short answer to this is, only if your work requests it for you. You should work in any software that makes sense to how you work. Quality and speed are coveted in games as that's time and money saved. That can also help you in an argument to use something that's not the norm in the studio.

Keep in mind at some point you will have to learn another software. Its best to get comfortable learning tools.*

Q. Is it ok to use Megascans?
